Future-ready solutions for a changing industry
With the energy sector constantly shifting, Accella’s solution provides Circle K the adaptability required to integrate new products and respond to industry demands. Looking ahead, the focus on IT security and product innovation will be supported by Accella’s flexible and future-proof system.
Solveig (22) fyller 60!
Solveig Thyri jobber som Senior prosjektingeniør i Accella Solutions, hvor hun sørger for automatisering, styring og kontroll av komplekse, samfunnskritiske tankmiljøer. Solveig har jobbet hele 38 år i selskapet, og er virkelig en kontinuitetsbærer. – Du fylte nylig 60 år, hvordan ble dagen feiret? Jeg laget meg ekstra arbeid med forberedelser ved å ha to […]
Automatiserte ventiler ga sikrere og mer effektiv drift av tankanlegg på Arendal Havn
I februar 2020 tok Arendal havn over driftsansvaret for Sandvikodden tankanlegg, som er et NATO-anlegg bygget av Forsvaret på 60-tallet. Tankanlegget forsyner bensinstasjoner fra Oslo i sør til Alta i nord med HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) som er bio-delen av biodiesel. Anlegget i Arendal har i perioder levert inntil 25% av det nasjonale behovet for […]
Automated Supply Chain Management with Accella in Denmark
Kalundborg Refinery is Denmark’s largest oil refinery, and their terminals in Kalundborg and Hedehusene supply the entire region with fuel. Kim Gronemann is the manager of the terminals where Accella plays a central role in an automated system. Accella is the tool we use from import to export, including stock management and flow control, all […]
We are looking for a system developer
System Developer – Automation System Employer: Accella Solutions AS Employment Type: Permanent We are a growing company and need to strengthen our organization. Therefore, we are seeking a system developer to join our development team to further enhance our automation system, Accella – an automation and reporting system based on microservices architecture built using cloud […]
Would you like to work with automation?
Automation Engineers and Project Managers Employer Accella Solutions AS Job Title: Automation Engineers and Project Managers Deadline: As soon as possible Employment: Type Permanent Accella Solutions is a leading Norwegian-owned company specializing in terminal automation and information systems. The company is growing and needs to strengthen its organization. For the company’s project and service department, […]
Accella Versjon 3.8 MID is here
Accella versjon 3.8 er sertifisert i henhold til MID direktivet (Evaluation certificate). Se sertifikat under. Accella kan derved benyttes som en software løsning i systemer som krever godkjennelse for kjøp og salg i henhold til MID (Measuring Instruments Directive)